Faith Baptist “Where JESUS will always be our first love”
January 5-11,2025
2025 will be the year of Boldness and Power. Prepare yourselves by putting on the mighty
armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-20. Let us fight the good fight with the Power and Protection of God.
Love, Bro. Brian

“For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psalms 91:11

Happy Birthday
Marilyn Cheek Jan 13
Lanell Anders Jan 14
Lee George Jan 19
Carolyn Wiggins Jan 21
Grover Bowling Jan 21
Ralph K. Baxley Jan 25
Patty Ann Febro Jan 26
Billy Meyer Jan 31

In the Life of the Church
Prayer is such an important part of our Armor of God and our relationship with Christ. If you are submitting a prayer
request for a friend, please seek their permission first. We would like to respect the privacy of those listed.

Take Them A Meal
Sandy Gillespie, Committee Chair
The Take Them A Meal” Team is ready to assist our church family. Please contact Sandy (321-412-5515) if you or someone
you know is in need of our help.

Building Committee
Bob Shearer, Committee Chair
City hall meeting went well- everything passed…our next city hall meeting will be Wednesday, Jan 15. (Bob White will be
teaching Wednesday night class.)

Special Events
Sally Wagner, Committee Chair.  Faith Baptist Church is Blessed to have the Dubbeld family returning on January 26. We will be sharing food with them after their performance. Please call Sally Wagner at 321-482-7579 if you would like to help by bringing
food to share. Your contribution will be greatly appreciated.
Upcoming Event
On January 26, 2025 the Dubbeld Family will be with us again
this year. The family blesses us each year with their music and testimonies. Please plan to attend.

We would like to congratulate Marilyn Camden on her latest accomplishment. Marilyn just passed her Florida driving
exam and has a new Florida Driver License. Watch out for Marilyn on the highways and byways.

Feed Families
Marcia Shearer, Committee Chair
Just a reminder for all of you who have volunteered to fill items in our Food Pantry. We are starting a new year and I would
like to have our pantry filled to capacity. I am in need of a couple more volunteers to handle a few items: (JELLY), (Paper
Cups & Plastic Silverware), and (Shaving Cream & Razors – both mens and womens). If God has led you to do this project,
please contact me, Marcia Shearer at (570) 772-5383. Thank you in advance for your assistance to help the hungry and God
Helping Hands Ministry
If you are in need of assistance around your home such as: pressure washing, gutter cleaning, changing a light bulb,
moving furniture, contact Fritz Wagner and his ministry team for their assistance. 321-368-3831
Leadership meeting change: The next meeting is scheduled Tuesday January 14 at 6PM. The Leadership team is
encouraged to attend each monthly meeting. The Quarterly business meeting will be January 19th following the 11 am
Missy Jones, Choir Director
If anyone would like to sing a special song we have spots open. We have some spots open in the choir. Come join with us as
we Worship the Lord with Song. Choir practice is Sunday evening at 5:00PM.
Romans 8:26 – Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit
himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
Continued Prayers for the Following
Pastor Brian
Harold Anders
Kem Collins
Pat Jenkins
Billy Meyer
Mary Moore, 92 years young friend of Bob White – will be having heart surgery Jan 16
Howard and Betty O’Dell, elderly neighbors of Chris and Pam
Dorothy Thimm
Carolyn Wiggins
Bob Schenck
Wednesday Night Requests
John Marsalisi – fell broke his hip, Pray for comfort and healing.
Gayle Netto – prayers for her son Shawn suffering back pain and not able to work. Pray healing and to trust the Lord.
Jon McCarron- his great aunt Florence Cwiklik in Pennsylvania fell, now in rehab, healing and restoration.
Debbie McCarron’s co-worker, Nancy Watkins recently had back surgery. She will be retiring soon. Pray for her healing.
Nancy White – 76 year old sister in law, Diane Hudgins, heart issues, struggling with depression and fear.
Al Marin – lost his wife of 67 years. He is a believer…pray for comfort and peace. Nancy’s family members have high
temperatures and suffering with the flu. Pray healing and salvation, Nancy’s brother, Jeff and Sally Hudgins who are in
their 70s.
So nice to see Ron & Gayle Netto at Bible Study!
Be praying for all the victims and their families affected by the California fires.
Travel mercies for all those traveling
Please pray for loved ones and friends who are residing in a nursing home, assisted living facility, rehabilitation facility or
Sandy Gillespie – praise for her daughter, Carrie being able to escape fires in Pasadena and get on a flight back to Florida.
Happy birthday to Gail Swindle…thank you to Lanell Anders for the scrumptious cake.

If you have information for the newsletter you would like to have listed, please send to or call Gail at 321-720-8693. Please provide by Thursday of each week.